Don’t you just love to know what other people love? I do! Personal recommendations are pretty much my favorite ways to find products, clothing, travel locations, you name it, so I’m sharing a short list of what I’m loving with you today.
| 1 | The swimsuit I wore when we took our little overnight stay in the Wisconsin Dells is one of my new favorites. (And so many questions about it over on Instagram too!) It’s a mix and match Target top with Kornti Jeane extended high waisted bottoms. I have to say, if you’re looking for any high waisted bottoms, get them from Kortni Jeane – I have two bottoms and love them.
| 2 | The pictures I just had printed from ParaboPress. There’s something so charming about the square photos and white trim that make me want to print 10,000 more. The girls are absolutely obsessed with looking at them and playing with them. Not to mention, I also ordered three framed prints and an enlarged newsprint and all are of incredible quality. I will absolutely be ordering again soon. Use code LISAB for $10 off any print now through 4/15. (Good for first time customers, does not include display or subscriptions.)
| 3 | Neutrogena face lotion. The Neutrogena Hydro Boost is SO good. My dermatologist recommended it when I was asking what I can do to smooth some of my skin imperfections out. For someone with sensitive, acne-prone skin, I have to say, this passes the test. My skin feels soft and smooth and I see the results. I haven’t had any breakouts or clogged pores during my transition to using it daily.
| 4 | Rush’s new DockATot Grand. Rush grew out of his DockATot Deluxe pretty quickly because he is so long! I knew we wanted an upgrade and I’m so happy we did. We packed up our DockATot Grand to take with us on our Wisconsin Dells overnight trip and it was SO nice and easy to bring + he slept SO well in it. Seriously, the combination of all of the waterpark excitement with the cozy place to sleep turned into bedtime at 7:00p and sleeping all the way until 5:30a when he nursed and drifted back off into a sound sleep until 7:00a. Such. A. Dream. {Links here give you $10 off your purchase!}
| 5 | Still seriously loving all of the Old Navy spring selection. Shop some of my favorite picks here. And there’s currently 30% off your online order! ??
I’m always loving a million things, but thought I’d highlight some of my favorites for you from this week! Thank goodness it is Friday — I hope everyone has a great weekend. I know I’m looking forward to it. We have a few exciting things going on this weekend.
I’ll be sharing more of a personal life update on Monday, so check back then. In the meantime, catch me over on IG. I’ll be sharing a little extra love in my stories later today.