Today is the day we return home from our vacation… Yes, it was quite long, I know. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and will really miss the beautiful weather and relaxation, but deep down we are all ready to get back to our own house, own beds and some sense of reality. Taking two little kids out of their element and routine for ten days is a little bit challenging. Maybe I will change my mind once we land in that cool, crisp fall weather, but for now, I anticipate getting home as a good thing.
I had been working on a really great post for today but if I can be honest, I am just too tired to finish it up. Sylvie is about to turn the big O-N-E on Friday and I’ve come to realize that in the past (almost) 365 days, I have had only a handful of full nights of sleep. ? Also, my head and heart are just diving right into Friday’s post because it’s all about Sylvie’s story – pregnancy and birth. It’s a little crazy to think that a year can go by this fast. I truly thought Maven’s first year went quickly, but this past year doesn’t even compare.
I didn’t want to leave you all hanging though, so I decided to share a few photos from our vacation instead.
As for the post I was working on, I’ll wrap it up and share it next week instead. And as for Friday, be sure to check back to hear all about how my sweet, sweet Sylvie came into this world. ?