These past several days I have simply been in awe. The extraordinary outpouring of love and support from women far and wide has overwhelmed my soul. I remember praying to God (desperately) for female friendships of value that will carry me through this life. I prayed relentlessly. I followed Him through break ups and trusted He would provide even when it didn’t seem it was in my cards. It took a long time for my inpatient self to get an answer, but He was patiently preparing my heart for this gold I have received. This is it though – He has far beyond delivered those friendships and I am incredibly humbled.
I’ve spoken of my mom tribe before, but there is this pressing on my heart to make an update because the terminology lacks what I am currently feeling: All of you women who have read my story, support my journey and share such love and compassion with me – you are my sisters. This tribe runs far deeper than a circle of friends who are there for one another. This sisterhood is one that shares sorrows and sadness yet through it all finds brightness and greatness. We text, call, Facebook message, stop over, pray and give ourselves wholeheartedly to one another. Not because it’s easy or convenient or because we say we are friends, but because it is truly what we are lovingly called to do for one another.
I almost didn’t share. I almost let that fear inside of me take over because I have been that person who cares way too much about what other people think of me. I didn’t want anyone to be chatting behind my back saying… well, saying anything at all. I didn’t want to bring any judgment upon myself or open the door to make it easier for others to do so. I have been a people pleaser – but as a friend recently said, people pleasing can suffocate your potential.
I had let the fear of what other people think limit what I say, write, share and do. I still do this more often than I would like, but I’m recognizing more and more that the risk of putting myself out there provides a deeper reward than I ever could have imagined. As my beautiful and bold friend Lindsey said, “Life becomes pretty small when you filter every action through the opinions of others. And I don’t believe that we were put on this earth to play small.”
I know I am not here to play small.
All of you sisters, you have helped me believe in that brave side of myself. You have used uplifting words and shown me supportive love in this deepest time of sadness and for me – all of you have affirmed to me that the calling God placed on my heart to share about loss and life was exactly what I was supposed to do.
My sisters, are you concerned with what others think? Do you let those concerns consume your direction and filter your life to be too small? This sisterhood means we are here for each other and will encourage each other to live big, bold and brave — exactly how we were all intended to be. Take it from me, a people pleaser + worrier + perfectionist at heart, just go ahead and make a bold move. You will be surprised at the depth to which it moves you and actually changes your life.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being a part of my sisterhood. My life would not be the same without you.