As a breastfeeding advocate and supporter, I connected with Aeroflow who sent me my new Spectra S1PLUS pump to try, share and review. Aeroflow is a distributor of breastpumps who makes it incredibly easy for you to choose a pump of your liking and qualify through insurance. I really cannot thank them enough. Though they did sponsor this post, all opinions are my own.
I had always heard great things about the Spectra, but didn’t think my pump was bad. So, why change? Well, what I didn’t realize is how much of a difference a pump can make in your milk expression until trying a new one that actually made a difference. Using the Spectra S1PLUS has changed my perception of pumping is one of my least favorite activities to hey, this isn’t so bad.
I truly hope this review will give another mama the same experience. Having the ability to pumping for your baby is such a blessing + gives us mamas the ability to be separated from our little ones while still providing for them. But, that ability doesn’t come without challenges. I’ve learned that having the right resources and support to do so makes it much easier and so I hope this + my breastfeeding experiences I’ve shared can help others on their journey too.
Quick Facts about my new Spectra S1PLUS:
- This is a double electric breastpump that has customizable pump settings.
- It has the ability to set your own suction switching and timers between the letdown and expression modes.
- There is maximum suction strength of 200mmHg. It feels strong but comfortable.
- Powered by an adaptor or re-chargable battery.
- The pump provides backflow protection + is created BPA free.
My favorite Spectra highlights:
- This pump is SO quiet. Even my husband commented on how quiet it is! My friends said, “wait, are you really pumping right now?” I was on a work call and was asked, “let me hear that! it’s so quiet.”
- The battery charge holds for a really long time. It’s exceptional!
- My letdown happens in approximately half the amount of time in comparison to the other pumps I have used. (Previous 1:30-3:00 minutes vs now 0:45-1:00)
- My milk output has improved. (See below)
When and where I have used it:
I’ve used this pump everywhere from in the car, at home, at a hotel when my husband and on an overnight getaway in Door County on a girls trip, too. I mention this because I’ve used the pump in a variety of settings and my results have all been the same. The battery is great. It’s easy to use and everyone who has been around me while pumping comments on how quiet it actually is. In addition, I have less need to “struggle” through pumping sessions because my milk output has changed. Though not extremely small in size, it’s easy to pack and I still consider the pump to be highly portable.
My milk output:
I have never been one be completely hands free while pumping. I have a low-to-adequate milk supply and therefore do my best to encourage as much milk expression while pumping as possible. This includes hand expression while the pump is doing its work! (If you haven’t tried this, I read a cool fact that said hand expression / vibration while pumping can stimulate up to 60% more milk expressed than those who do not use the practice. If I didn’t help massage some of my milk ducts, I would collect much less milk. I am a firm believer in the fact due to experience.)
With the Spectra, I am in awe of my milk production. Having much less struggle and less need to massage on my part, my milk is flowing (and more easily) to a great extent. If I had to estimate, I’m probably pumping about 1 ounce more on average per session and am only pumping about 11-13 minutes to empty as opposed to 20 minutes +. My baby is currently consuming approximately 4 ounce bottles when I am away from him, so an extra ounce is significant, especially given my supply concerns.
While results may vary per user, I thought it to be extremely important to mention my supply. Pumping is hard work, can be isolating, time consuming and a challenge. I couldn’t keep up with pumping for my first baby and it is part of what led to our weaning before one year of age. After having my third baby and (currently) six months in to our breastfeeding journey, I finally feel like I have a good rhythm of milk supply and expression. (Thank you, Spectra!)
What I used before:
- Pump 1: I’ve had a Medela Pump In Style since I had Maven. I have a few of them (I have really great insurance coverage after having a new baby) and have rotated them, but the one I use the most is definitely not brand new.
- Pump 2: I also began using my Motif Duo when out and about + pumping in the car because it is so small and portable which is extremely convenient. (Read review of the Motif Duo here.)
My recommendation:
I highly recommend the Spectra S1PLUS to any pumping mother. While I don’t have anything negative to say about my other pumps, I certainly see the advantage to using one that is portable with good battery charge and that is great at doing its job.
Wishing all of you mamas the easiest and least stressful milk-making journey possible. Please reach out if you have questions or need support.