Did you unofficially end summer over the weekend, too? Or were we the only ones abruptly delivered brisk, fall-like weather? We had a really great weekend for sure, but here’s the thing: I’m a summer girl through and through. I love the hot weather, the sunshine, the outdoors time — I love everything about it. This summer, though hands down the busiest summer we’ve ever hand, was so great. We had all of that beautiful weather (which sometimes Wisconsin deprives us of), time with family and friends and adventures together that we’ll remember forever. It was our first summer as a family of 5 and well, that was really something… It was an adventurous summer with Rush. Boys, I tell you. Busy, busy, busy. 😅
As I was out and about with three kids, ages four and under, I was asked a lot of questions about gear: car seats, strollers, baby carriers, my mini van 😆 + strategies for how I managed it all. I’m excited to share one of my greatest tips today, because it helped make time out of the house with three kids easier and sometimes even gave me a free hand (or at least held some of the weight I’d normally carry in my arms).
This post is graciously sponsored by Baby K’tan.
I’m proud to be a BK ambassador and share all of my honest opinions about the brand.
Busy Summer with Baby K’tan
As I mentioned, I’m learning how busy boys are. Rush is constantly on the go, so I’m always trying to determine the best way to keep him close (so he’s not getting into something that could cause harm), occupied and from screeching at the top of his lungs — his favorite form of communication.
My greatest tip? Make baby wearing work for you! I’ve had friends say, “Oh my baby wouldn’t let me do that,” or “Isn’t he too wiggly or old for that?”, but what I’ve found is that as you consistently use the strategy, you’ll both be comfortable with it + it will WORK! I’ve also learned that exploring holds is really helpful. There are seasons where one hold is more beneficial than others, that is for sure.
This summer, Rush and I discovered the hip carry in my Baby K’tan. It has been so, so helpful! Using the hip carry took so much weight off of what I would normally hold in my arms or improperly hold on my hip + gave us much more stability. Because I often carried Rush while one or both of the girls were in the stroller or cart, babywearing was essential for us. Rush did get to the point when he didn’t always want to be in the hug hold (snug toward me), or the adventure hold (facing away) because we were just too warm or because he wanted a little more freedom, so the hip carry was a happy medium for both of us.
Trust me, we did this everywhere: up north at the lake, out and about on errands, at parades, while we visited the zoo, you name it.
*Note: I put water on his head to cool him down. He is not dripping in that much sweat. 😂
The Baby K’tan carrier has always been my leading choice because of it’s comfort, safety and ease of use. I have three different versions of the carrier now, and I’m really excited to give you a review of each later this week + share a demonstration of this hold that saved me over the summer! So often you’ll catch me babywearing over on Instagram but stay tuned for more here. As a mom of three, I’m more than happy to share what works for us because my goodness, sometimes you just need someone to give you a trick that makes your life easier!
As for summer, I really am sad to see it go + am hoping for a heat wave over the fall. As for the busy little boy? He just keeps getting busier.