As of today I am 25 WEEKS along with our sweet babe which gives me SO much excitement to meet him or her + puts that much more pressure on to really figure out our name selections and finish up the nursery. Ahem, I mean start the nursery. There are items scattered. Just nothing put together. In my defense, we are awaiting the crib from Sylvie’s room but wanted to accomplish potty training before throwing too many changes her way at once. We have to transition her to a bed and get rid of her pacis as next steps. I think I see the bed transition coming in the next few weeks though… so I guess this weekend we will be painting!
As for me, I am feeling really good. I have a few normal pregnancy complaints such as having to pee all. the. time., experiencing some reflux and occasionally feeling beyond ridiculously tired, but other than that I am still counting my blessings that things seem to be normal. Or at least the most normal I have ever known in pregnancy. I have another ultrasound (today!) as part of my cervical length monitoring and as long as it’s not in any sort of dangerous zone of measurement, we will start spacing appointments out and waiting for me to report any changes in what I’m experiencing before checking again. This is total best case scenario.
Back to preparing for Baby Boettcher: As I mentioned, there are some things scattered in the nursery that will all come together soon(ish) and I really want to highlight some of my must-haves because I seriously love when mamas share what they use + like. It always helps guide me in the right direction. It’s actually kind of funny to me that I have a must-have list for our third child, but some things I just didn’t know about with Maven and Sylvie, or I’ve learned through experience what could be really helpful, what we use often and what we really would want.
Here’s the list:
My Must-Have Items for Baby No. 3
- DockATot
I have seriously wanted a DockATot since Sylvie was a baby! But, due to Sylvie’s colicky nature and never letting me put her down, it just wasn’t right for us at that time. There are two size options and I had a tough time to deciding if I should get the Grand that is perfect for toddler bed transitions for Sylvie to actually use, or to get the Deluxe for babies 0-8 months old. I opted for the Deluxe because I reminded myself this is an item that I wanted for our baby last time around + there is a new toy arch and toy set option that makes this the perfect playtime lounger, too. While I’m really looking forward to using the DockATot Deluxe for our little babe, the girls have kiiiiind of already taken over it for use with their baby dolls. Little mamas!
- LILLEbaby
I have never been ashamed to admit that I LOVE baby wearing and own a variety of baby wearing options. You name the brand, I probably have it or have tried it. The thing about the LILLEbaby Complete is that it has ALL of the features of other carriers I have combined into one – multiple carry positions, no infant insert, head support good for newborn/toddler, adjustable straps, front pocket and more. So rather than use one of my current options for one specific reason, LILLEbaby has it all there for me. This product has raving reviews for versatility and style + is ultra comfortable for mama, too. I think I’m most excited though for the beautiful ring sling I got, which I have been dying to try. I have not yet used a ring sling with a little one but hear amazing things for snuggle + comfort. I just want a smooshy little baby to carry again!
- Lorena Canal Rugs
I’m not sure how I didn’t hear of these washable rugs with my first two babies, but let me tell you, this is going to be a game changer. Lorena Canal Rugs are handmade with all natural dies. They are entirely machine washable, fitting in standard washers and dryers. (Genius, seriously.) I really like to buy quality and stylish items, but when purchases support a cause, it just entices me that much more. I’ve shopped around for a variety of rugs and have loved, loved the designs of Lorena Canal, so when I found out that proceeds support a project that provides schooling for children in India, I was completely sold. We got the Diamonds pattern, though I reallllly looked at the Berber Black and Cactus Stamp. If you know anything about me, you know I’m incredibly indecisive. But, I made this decision early and couldn’t believe how soft it was when it arrived. I can’t wait to reveal it once our nursery is complete.
- Binxy Baby
I’m always on the go with my kids. They run errands with me; that’s just life. So, when I found Binxy Baby I was really intrigued. Fitting kids (comfortably) in shopping carts has always been a consideration in my mind, so I love that other mamas I know have said this product is so helpful and easy to use. The Binxy Baby not only looks entirely comfortable for a little one who doesn’t yet sit up to ride around in the cart, but it can also hold our infant car seat (up to 50 pounds)– which means I could put a different child in the front of the cart and still have space below the hammock in the back for purchases. It seems like this is something that I will be using very often, hence why it became a must-have. I chose the Shopping Cart Hammock in Indigo Dream. That’s gender neutral, right?!
- The Ollie World Smart Swaddle
Swaddling is something I’ve done with both of our girls. Maven loved being swaddled up tight and it completely helped her sleep. Sylvie did too, she just also wanted to be held by her mama as well. ? I pretty much only have girl swaddles thanks to my sister graciously giving me hand-me-downs, so I wanted to look for a new option in a gender neutral color + see what was new out there. The Smart Swaddle is made of a moisture-wicking material to reduce the risk of overheating plus it has easy access through an opening at the bottom for diaper changes. That was my one downfall of swaddling – all of the unwrapping and wrapping back up during nighttime feeds + diapers. I’m really excited to use this and in case you’re wondering, I chose the Stone color.
I’m excited to share more as our nursery comes together (+ have photos of our sweet babe to share) but these must-haves are where this indecisive mama has started. I’ll be sure to share full reviews after we use each of these items, too. Do you have any of these products? Let me know in the comments below!
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