Her little words right now are so cute and she’s trying + interested in saying so much more. (Plus now she is actually interested in books because she understands/hears that you are reading to her!) This is all quite the opposite of Maven’s development, who was literally speaking full sentences and having complex conversations with me at 15 months old — nothing has changed there. #chatterbox. So, with Miss Sylvie Syl, I’m just patiently staying the course and letting her learn and develop at her own pace.

I literally can’t even handle how cute she is.
Speaking of pace, when the girls and I were driving in the car together recently, I slowly rolled up to a stop sign and Sylvie’s sweet little voice shouted: “Mama (g)oooooooooo!” It sounded more like mama ohhhhhhhhhh, so I didn’t quite get it at first – especially because she just started these two word combos. But, when I was stopped at a red light shortly after and she shouted it again “Mama (g)ooooooooo!”, I couldn’t help but laugh. It clicked. She was quite forcefully telling me to go, go go, and did not want me to stop for any sort of traffic signals. I kindly began teaching her the ways of the road, but that little voice continues to shout those cute words at me while we drive to this very day.
It’s funny, really, that she’s shouting this at me because my mind is doing the same. I’m currently in the slowest paced time of my life and while I aspire to live simply, it’s new territory for me to slow down to this extent. My mind tells me go, go, go, plan more, sign up for more, commit my time to more, but conflictingly, is also telling me slow, slow, slow, embrace this adjusted pace and enjoy the simple life we have created (and love).
A friend asked me last Monday what our plans were for the week and my reluctant response truly made me question our simple little life. Her schedule is full and her mind is overwhelmed and mine on the other hand, is all quite basic. Not saying I never have challenging days or overwhelmed emotions anymore {hello toddlers and life in general – see Pick 3}, but I have worked hard to take a step back and take things off my plate so I can focus on my family (and me from time to time). I’ve prioritized rest and relaxation and family time, plus I am growing a baby right now. ?
I told Mark though that I struggle with this a bit. Why is it that when I’ve gained a simple life I can actually feeling like I’m lacking something? I began reading about simple living a little more to see if I could find others who had this experience. If you haven’t already, please read Chasing Slow, because Erin (author) definitely battled with the fast – slow – what do we really want or need – dilemma + has some very wise words of wisdom for us.
I also came across this list (bemorewithless.com) that I want to share:
7 Deadly Sins to Avoid While Simplifying Your Life
- Comparison
- Impatience
- Guilt
- Perfection
- Persuasion
- Emptiness
- Fear
I went through and asked myself about each of these sins in terms of my lacking feeling. Was I comparing my schedule to others? Was I becoming impatient with the slow schedule (+everything becoming a production when toddlers want to do everything b y t h e m s e l v e s)? Do I feel guilty for having unplanned days? Obviously I tend to be a perfectionist. Am I letting pressures and outside influences persuade me to live my life differently? Why am I feeling empty or lacking? What is it that I fear about this simple life we so lovingly created? Is it a fear of missing out? Of not doing enough?
I’ve battled the fast – slow – what am I actually chasing dilemma + I was sucked into many of those sins this week, sadly. Reading them and recognizing them was such a good way to re-frame my mind though. I absolutely love where I am at right now and though it be slow, I whole heartedly believe it is a time of preparation for what is to come. Let’s be real, my slow and simple life still doesn’t leave time for all of my big dreams or fitting everything into my days that I desire, it’s just keeping things real, genuine and paving the way to always make what is most important a priority.
In case you needed the reminder, don’t get caught up in the sins while simplifying. Stand proud of your decision to make your life exactly what you want it to be – and live it with a happy heart.
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