Life has been so busy lately, in a really good way. So much going on and so much to share. I like to incorporate what’s going on in our lives into my blog posts, but there’s nothing like a full update session to make us all feel like better friends ?
This past weekend Rush was baptized at the church I was baptized in (and my siblings) and my dad (and his siblings) in our family baptismal gown that has now been used throughout four generations. It was incredibly special. We had wanted to do this earlier in his life, but our kids were sick for three months straight over winter (for real), so we didn’t really have the opportunity. Another update: we have been in the clear of passing all those nasty winter bugs around for a while now. Hallelujah + knock on wood! Now I know we’ll all be coming down with seasonal allergies soon, but that seems like nothing compared to what we endured over the winter.
The Babes
Maven and Sylvie are loving their school days and are both so, so cute and funny. Current interests: anything related to babies (always), playing kitchen (the new favorite kitchen item) + taking my order (constantly) and “activities”. They always want me to come up with a “special activity” for them to do. Bless their hearts.
Maven is about to turn four next week and I cannot even believe it. How does that happen?! Sylvie is excited to celebrate her sister’s birthday… they sing happy birthday and blow out fake candles daily.
Rush is now four months old. (Again, time, how?!) He is so incredibly laid back and I cannot get enough of him. His smiles light up a room + he gobbles up all the attention his sisters smother him with. He’s a total mamas boy, always wanting me to hold him + be close, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Although he’s getting pretty heavy to hold all of the time!! (I’ll do a four month update post on him soon too!)
Our Marriage
One of my intentions this year was to strengthen our marriage. (Read here.) I’m sure many of you can attest to the fact that when you have three very little kids, it requires a little more effort when you are zombie-status-tired to ensure your marriage stays a top priority. This is exactly what we are trying to do. Mark and I have been getting back into the rhythm of planning dates + upholding our marriage mantra. We’ve been using a book as a guide for weekly discussions that have really helped us stay in close communication + are planning an overnight getaway in early May to spend just the two of us. It’s so good to be partners in a loving, supportive marriage. We are really lucky to be such a team in this parenting journey together + recognize our marriage has to be nurtured to remain the team we need to be for our family.
My Work
…has been crazy busy lately. I’m fully dedicated to my role with pumpspotting, soon embarking on a cross-country tour to show up for breastfeeding women + create a world where mothers can thrive. I’ll be traveling a bit throughout the months of April – August which is so exciting and something I’m looking forward to. The work has required a little more childcare and lots of pre-planning for my time away, but I seriously cannot be more grateful for the work arrangement I have in my life. Working on things that excite and motivate me and that I feel passionate about, all while being flexible for me to be the mom I want to be, simply amazes me. At this point, I do not have other freelance work because I simply don’t have the capacity for it. But, I am continuing to blog here. I have some really fun ideas coming up too.
Related: How I Turned My Dream of Becoming a SAHM into an Income of Over $20,000 Last Year
The Business
This development has also been consuming my time in the greatest and most invigorating way. I am in full on time sensitive development mode right now! Materials are being sourced, manufacturers are being vetted, branding is underway, photo shoots scheduled, pre-sale date tentatively set. This sh*t is getting real. Honestly, it’s all a little crazy to me. It’s been a life long dream of mine to own a business. And to think, just about a year ago this product (seriously so close to sharing more, hang tight!) was a thought and vision in my mind and now I can SEE it in front of me.
I’m currently sitting in a coffee shop post-prototype meeting in awe of how far it’s come. I was also talking to my sister recently about the NPR podcast How I Built This, and we were saying how amazing it is when people start businesses where it starts as an idea and they hustle to make it happen. In a little tiny way, I’m kind of on that journey too. Maybe one day it will turn out to be something big ✨
Next Up
Spring and Summer in Wisconsin. Need I say more?? This time is so precious to us Wisconsinites, that’s for darn sure. We’re planning our calendar for the next several months and I know we’ll blink and it will be over. Maven is signed up for a couple weeks of camp this summer, Vacation Bible School, T-ball, etc. Both girls will be in swimming lessons and Sylvie may take a little class herself. Rush will be along for the ride. We’re planning our dates for our annual up-north getaway and Mark + I will be traveling to Colorado in July for a friend’s wedding. Literally cannot wait! We’re doing our best to leave margin in our schedules so we can just soak in the summer: walks after dinner in our neighborhood, campfires in our backyard, Waterfront Wednesdays in our little town, plenty of BBQ’s with friends and family, afternoons at a community pool…ah, summer.
In conclusion: I’m really busy and really tired these days, but life? It’s really good. And what’s on the horizon all looks really good too.
And in case I don’t say it enough, thank you for following along here. It’s an honor and privilege and blessing to share my life here + I look forward to sharing more along the way.