Yoga is one of my happy places. Practicing makes me feel alive, loved, free, balanced and aware. It quiets my mind and refreshes my soul.
I was hooked on hot yoga a few years ago and it nicely complimented a (running) training plan I was following. I have since practiced at a variety of local studios, but since my last difficult pregnancy, my commitment hasn’t been as dedicated as I would like it to be. As I’m working on refocusing, I’ve found it’s easiest to plop my mat down at home and get to work. I do typically try to work through an at-home class alone and in peace, but sometimes, Maven joins me. Remember how I just have to Let It Go?
I like thinking I’m a yogi, but my body doesn’t naturally twist like a pretzel or strongly spring up into inversions {Who am I kidding, I’m still working on a headstand!}, nor does my mind always find a suitable mantra for meditation. The cool thing is though, I may just be a yogi based on the way it makes me feel. According to Mind Body Green, there is no such thing as a perfect practice. {Hallelujah!} The only thing perfect about yoga is the opportunity it presents – the opportunity to be present and honor that place within all of us which is of love, truth and peace. {Amen to that!}
I practice yoga for my physical health as well as my mental and emotional state of mind – and to gain the benefits of the practice, some of which include cleansing and strengthening my being.
I greatly appreciate convenience as well as low-cost/no-cost fitness opportunities, which is why I was so happy to find Yoga International. I love this site because I can search for classes by duration, level, instructor or focus. They have both FREE and paid membership options. The day I was getting my yoga on with Miss Maven, I took the Shortened Primary Series Standing Sequence (Level 2, 30 minutes – though it was actually 38 minutes to be exact) with Christie Rafanan. She is awesome and graciously provides reminders of subtle enhancements in postures to get the most out of your practice. The other great thing about this specific class is that it can be used as a stand-alone practice or a warm-up for more advanced postures. As the description states, Ashanta is an active practice that includes plenty of sun salutations and balancing poses. Ashanta Yoga also focuses on breathing and the movement system (vinyasa); posture, breathing system and looking place (tristhana); and the six poisons – desire, anger, delusion, greed, envy and sloth.
If that’s too much information for you, don’t worry. Just get on your mat. And if you don’t yet have a mat, go buy one. It doesn’t even have to be expensive. {Seriously, I’ve seen them at Marshalls for about $10.} I am sure you will love the yoga benefits – if you don’t already have a passion for it! For all you other yogis out there, go forth and let your inner light shine. Try a class at Yoga International and let me know what you think.