We are all enduring something. We all have something unpleasant or disheartening or difficult in our lives and we must carry on without giving way. We may only speak of it to a few people closest to us, or maybe it’s more widely known, or maybe it’s entirely something you keep to yourself. Whatever that something is, it is a test.
Endurance is a test of your strength, your patience, your resiliency and your hope. The test may feel crushing at times, but give it a while and you’ll experience a little flutter of weight lifting or brightness at the end of the tunnel. A break.
Friend, what are you enduring right now? Is it a troubled relationship? A parenting battle? A struggle with weight loss? Or, is it an illness? A challenging financial situation? The grief after losing a loved one? Whatever it is, you can endure + you will endure.
Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.
-Walt Whitman
Love & light from sunny Florida. ☀️