on your first day of preschool
dressed by primary.com
Dear daughter,
My oh my, have you grown. I’m simply amazed in the ways in which you have grown.
Maven: slim tee in heather gray | pocket skirt in spruce | tights in black| stroller
You have grown so much taller. I’ve adjusted your car seat to accommodate your growing height a few times this summer alone and your clothing cannot keep up.
You have grown more inquisitive. I didn’t think this was possible, but your questions and curiosity are blossoming even further.
You have grown more compassionate. Your already enormous heart is just so soft and loving. You take care of all your babies in the sweetest, most motherly way and are such a loving big sister – extending compassion when Sylvie is hurt or sick or needs extra attention.
You have grown more mature. You are my helper. You are a lover. You are a learner. I’m simply amazed at watching your maturity grow day after day.
This first day of preschool that has arrived in three years of time SO quickly – it’s bittersweet. I know you’re ready for this next step because a mom just knows these things. And I also know it may not be easy to say goodbye that very day + may take some time to get into our new ‘going to school’ routine. {For both of us.}
Maven: short sleeve dress in grape | (above) cardi in lilac | tool set
Yes, I’ve watched you grow and grow + I admire and love you so much for it, yet in my mama eyes, you are still so little. I see how excited you are for school, my big-little girl, but it’s okay if you have a few tears at drop off. I see your eagerness to learn all sorts of new things, like writing your name, but I promise it’s okay if you get a little frustrated along the way. I know you will make new friends and have a teacher to look up to; It’s okay if you look forward to coming home to your sister and mama though too.
I know I can’t keep you little forever. And in fact it brings me so much joy to see how you grow and what an absolutely wonderful young woman you are already becoming. Therefore I promise to cheer for you on this special day of yours, always encourage you when you need it and be there to pick you up and listen to everything you want to tell me about your exciting first day and all of your school days to come.
And I promise, no matter how big you grow (in so many ways), that you will always be my little girl and I will always be your mama.
Thank you to Primary for providing Maven with the loveliest clothing to start her new venture as a preschooler. We’d love for you to get 20% Off First Order + Free Shipping With Code: AFF20PCT!
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