As we all concluded our yoga flow + chatted over coffee, I had the overwhelming feeling that it lived up to those expectations. That women were feeling fresh and connected – because it’s exactly what I was feeling. As I looked around at all of us gathering, I just had a really peaceful feeling. We had all said YES to ourselves and YES to investing our time in becoming better.
I want every woman to experience this.
Because we obviously couldn’t accommodate everyone who may be reading this blog + I know for certain so many wanted to come but had a conflict in date and time, I want to share how you can participate in what we did from home.
| 1 | Move your mind + body. We began our class with movement. Flowing our body and trusting that it was in the right place, grounded and supported in all of our postures. We were okay not being perfect and listened to our body and what felt good and right. We trusted. We were mindful. We moved.
For those participating from home: I highly suggest yoga. Yoga seriously changes my attitude and life! I would recommend checking out Yoga International for some free online classes. You can search by type, level, duration, etc. I’ve found some really great classes through the website and don’t pay for a membership.
If yoga isn’t your thing, move your body in the way that feels best to you and let your mind clear. Maybe that means silence, maybe it means listening to music or maybe it means putting on an audiobook or podcast. (If you don’t have it already, sign up for Audible and start listening NOW. The free trial comes with two free audio books. This been a game changer for my mind and time/efficiency.)
| 2 | Set an intention. Our class had the intention of women saying yes to themselves. Yes to all of the good things including self care. We concluded by journaling for a few minutes about intentions we wanted to set for the days, weeks and months ahead.
For those participating from home: Give yourself a moment of quiet and think about how you can focus on connecting your mind + body with what matters to you. Write it down.
Lindsay prompted us with the following and so these may help you set your intention, too:
- What fires you up?
- What are you looking forward to as we transition from winter to spring?
- How can you make progress on your goals?
- How can you bring intention to what matters most to you?
| 3 | Connect with other women. We all ventured to Collectivo for coffee and SO wonderfully were able to sit outside next to a warm fire to have amazing conversation about anything from yoga and leggings to careers to our kids to mental health to grocery shopping. It was refreshing. Women left exchanging contact information and business cards. We all left hoping we could do this again soon.
For those at home: Reach out to other women. Jump over on my Instagram and comment on a post, send me a DM, whatever you’d like — I really do my very best to reply to everyone. Call a friend or your sister or your mom and chat about your intentions. Set up a girls night to get together over wine. Whatever format it takes, CONNECT with one another.
The amazing thing about prioritizing ourselves is that we become better for it. I’ve realized this so much through my blogging journey. The more I focus on introspection and self discovery and the more I share that with others, the better life becomes. I’m a better wife, mother, friend, entrepreneur, blogger, sister, daughter, a better person because of it.
This weekend a group of us prioritized our minds, our bodies and our connections. My hope now is that we may let that ripple around us and that you participate from home + stay tuned for a next time…
Feeling all the love and light.