Hi friends,
Happy Monday to all of you! I’m so sad to see another summer weekend go, but happy to report that it was quite an enjoyable one. Sometimes weekends can fly by so fast that I don’t even remember what we all did, but this one allowed us to spend time together as a family and embrace a slower pace of living. It helps that we weren’t overly committed; though, as always, we still had plenty to do.
I think what stands out the most about this past weekend is that I was able to carve out a few moments to focus on myself. I understand that may sound selfish to some, but I believe in self-care and self-love + mama sometimes needs a little break. Mark is traveling this week for work (already left us yesterday) and so it was even more important that I prepared for this solo momming week ahead. Also, I promised myself in 2017 I would focus more on me so that I could be my happiest, healthiest version and I’m really trying to make an effort here and there to stick to that.
5 Refreshing Things I Did for MYSELF This Weekend
These 5 things didn’t require too much effort and weren’t even hard to do + they surely are leaving me feel fresh to start a new week ahead.
- I went to bed early.
I feel like sometimes on the weekends we allow ourselves to stay up way later than we need to. I’m typically a night owl, so maybe it’s just me? But this weekend, I even went to bed before Mark both nights. He commented that I was out cold when he came to bed Saturday night (unusual because I’m a very light sleeper) and I just told him how tired I was. Allowing myself to get really FULL nights of sleep over the weekend now makes me feel like this Monday morning will be less of a scramble.
- I crossed a few things off my to-do list.
Yep, my to-do list always has a bazillion things on it, but I made a priority list for the weekend of just a few things I wanted to accomplish. I mean those things that would just make me feel SO much better if they were done. I set aside the time to make a phone call to cancel an account, to catch up on a few emails + follow through with some upcoming blog work and finish all of our laundry (including putting it away). I also prepped my planner and to-do list for this week so that I can start Monday off knowing what I have to do each day. I always like to be organized, but especially when Mark is gone!
- I went on a long run by myself.
While we usually divide and conquer with workouts (or I’m at home with both girls during the week), I needed this time and space. It was a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l Saturday morning to get out for a run. I took in the fresh air and listened to a new podcast (Munchin With Moguls (episode 1: building a platform of positivity) in case you’re wondering) and even just absorbed silence for the last 10 minutes running home. It was such a good reset.
Note: I tried my new BaoBei Belly Sport Band for the first time and it made a big difference in how my belly was supported while I was working out. I would highly recommend active pregnant women try this! I may also try the Postpartum Core Support Band.
- I snuck out during nap time, grabbed myself a Starbucks and got a pedicure.
This was so simple. While during pregnancy I have been taking advantage of naps for myself, I typically use nap time as GO time to get things done. But, by taking the opportunity to get out of the house by myself since Mark was home anyway, I just felt that much more refreshed. I’m not one to want to spend lots of money, but for less than $40 total, it was the perfect treat.
- We spent time with good friends.
Good friends are good for the soul. Spending time with friends that think about you, care about you and love on you + your whole family… that is time very well spent. Ben, Christina, Anne, William and Eve – we love you so much. You better believe our kids were exhausted after all their fun together and that my heart was just so full.
What did YOU do for yourself over the weekend?
Thanks for another good read this morning❤️ You are good for my soul…as is the rest of your family. Thanks for a listening ear, some good laughs and a great time.
XOXOXO Can’t wait to see you all again soon (+maybe throw in a mama only day/night in there too).
I so badly wanted to make more time for myself this weekend but it’s typically a top priority that I “try” to make” I feel that I am not a good mom or wife if I stay cooped up without getting me time.
Me time is SO important! Some weekends fly by and I get ZERO alone time, but this one just felt like such a good balance. Carve out some time this week, friend. You deserve it.