He or she is the size of pineapple and is kicking up a storm all. of. the. time. I do also think to myself “I have a nocturnal ninja growing inside of me” every night at about 10 PM when those kicks turn into twists and turns and I can quite literally feel a foot pressing very strongly against my right side — so much so that you can actually see it!
I have some normal pregnancy aches and pains in my back, some minor swelling in my calves and feet if I sit for too long, LOTS of contractions and experience reflux nightly. I don’t have any stretch marks (didn’t with any of my babies) though my body and belly are really starting to stretch further and further. Just like my maternity jeans that are probably begging for mercy when I snugly slip into them. ?
Updated Arrival Expectation: At 34 weeks, I’m only ONE WEEK away from when I delivered Sylvie and just over two weeks away from when I delivered Maven. My updated expectation from my initial guess of Thanksgiving… notta clue. I’m doing my best not to stress or be anxious and trust that this baby will be delivered healthy to us in His timing.
Pregnancy Cravings: Sadly, none. I think my husband is still disappointed I’m not craving cheesecake or ice cream, but we did get him Cinnabon’s for his birthday so that’s something ? I’m in this weird place with food where nothing sounds good or tastes great. Plus I certainly cannot fit any large meals in my belly at this point.
Pregnancy Annoyances: Still this one, and, if you didn’t see, THIS. #helpme
Workouts: The greatest pregnancy fitness guide ever! ?? My friends Amy and Krystle officially launched Expecting and Empowered Pregnancy Fitness Guide to the public last week! I have been SO lucky to be an early tester of the guide and have been using it throughout pregnancy. There are three workouts a week designed specifically for the pregnant and growing woman’s body by trimester + I supplement with about 2 days of cardio (on top of chasing toddlers every day). I highly recommend Expecting and Empowered to EVERY pregnant woman out there. It’s taken all of the planning out of what I should be doing for pregnancy appropriate exercise and fits easily into my day as they each take about 30-45 minutes. (I have done them all from home!)
Preparation: The nursery is coming together after I spent a little more dedicated time on it about a week ago. I cringe when I say it’s still not done though. Names… ha. I guess I can say we are starting to narrow a list down for each gender, but then again, if the baby arrived, he or she would likely be nameless for a while. I’m currently picking out some new baby blankets and a coming home outfit option for a boy and for a girl. My hospital bag has yet to be packed, but thanks to the encouragement of my friend Rachele, I am putting plans in place for when I go into labor. You would think I’d be overly prepared due to my previous early deliveries, but it seems I’m operating in the twilight zone. I’m just optimistic?! ?
Living In: Anything comfortable. The PinkBlush dresses in these photos are SO comfortable + easy to wear. I’ve probably worn the burgundy sweater dress about 5 times already since it came in the mail and it will be a staple up until delivery.
Photos: I could not be more thankful to my neighbor Katie of Katie Bingen Photography for taking these beautiful photographs for me. I look back on my previous pregnancies, ashamed that I didn’t want to capture that special, growing time in my life with each of my babies. I have grown to be a lot more accepting and loving of the pregnancy growth journey, so having these beautiful photos to look back on is incredibly special.
Overall, 34 weeks of pregnancy has treated me pretty darn well. We are all excited to meet this sweet babe and find out if it’s a boy or girl. But, it’s my hope that I have weeks longer of over-gramming pregnancy photos before that day comes.