I am currently 28 weeks pregnant and have officially made it into the third trimester of pregnancy! Some days I am feeling like I’m REALLY pregnant, but I quickly remind myself of how early it still actually is.
Last pregnancy at this time – 28 weeks exactly – I was finally discharged from hospital bedrest after nearly a 6 week stay due to preterm labor and cervical incompetence.
I simply cannot help but be SO grateful that things are so different this time around. I have vivid memories of how challenging that hospital bedrest stay was. While I could write at length about it, I’ll just say this: Though I saw them almost every day, I missed Mark and Maven so much it hurt. I knew how much of a burden it was on them and our family to take care of our daily life without me there + had the stress of a high risk pregnancy to manage mentally and emotionally. It wasn’t ideal, or easy, or good at all really, but we made it. And that 28 week milestone + the ability to *g o h o m e* was something we wildly celebrated.
We are celebrating this time too. We are celebrating that this little life growing inside of me is giving us the gift of time. We are celebrating that we’ve been able to stay together as a family and have a fun summer and work on a nursery and begin preparing for bringing another baby into our home. I’m celebrating because it feels like I’ve been blessed with making up for lost time!
All pregnancies have their unknowns, but the risks associated with mine and history of early deliveries makes it seem impossible to predict what will happen now in the third trimester. Will this baby give us 7 more weeks or 12 more weeks or none of the above? I try my hardest to not get too fixated on the timeframe — I still have my eye set on the prize: a healthy, full term baby.
Now for some fun, AT THIS MOMENT: 28 Weeks Pregnant, updates:
Enjoying: I’m so very much enjoying the kicks and movements of this little gymnast inside of me + particularly LOVING when Maven and Sylvie get to experience it too. The looks on their sweet little faces is priceless!
Excited about: Finding out the gender of our sweet babe! This not finding out thing is new to us, so the anticipation is building!
Drinking: Water — like crazy. I’m constantly thirsty. Oh, and treating myself to more soy chai lattes than usual.
Listening to: Podcast after podcast after podcast. I’m hooked. I will have a post on which ones I listen to soon.
Loving: 1. The weather. I’m a summer girl through and through, but these last two weekends have been absolutely gorgeous and we’ve been enjoying so much outdoor time as a family (without my pregnant self feeling entirely sticky and sweaty). 2. I’m completely in love with my new Day Designer by Blue Sky. I’m in total nesting mode which means I want to be organized times a million, and I love the level of detail this planner allows me to fill in. 3. How the nursery is coming together. Cannot wait to do a reveal after the baby is here!
Needing: Another BaoBei Maternity Sport Band! (Also available here.) I absolutely love mine for working out. Current routine: Expecting + Empowered Pregnancy Guides, cardio days and a group fitness class once a week with some of my neighbors! My friend Amy of BalancedAmes and her sister Krystle are soon launching the guides written with their combined professional expertise on fit + healthy pregnant women. Stay tuned my pregnant friends: they. are. good. ???
Wanting: A Plum & Sparrow Moses Basket. They are SO beautiful.
Watching: Um, Daniel Tiger… does that count?
Wearing: The robe in the above pictures by PinkBlush. I intended it to be my hospital robe, but I can wear it all the time, right? ?
I hope everyone had an absolutely wonderful weekend. I sure know we did. We have a busy week ahead and I have a few exciting things on the horizon + I’m thinking we still have time to get a cake to celebrate this pregnancy milestone, too…
Wishing you all a great Monday. And, as always, I would love to hear from you!
*This post does contain some affiliate links. I only share what I highly recommend!
More on this Baby #3 Pregnancy: