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So, maybe the fact that it is January and most are still working on their New Years Resolutions has me inspired to write this post…or maybe it was Jessica’s story. But, if I dig down to the real stuff, I should be honest and say I’m writing this as a reminder to myself that there aren’t any excuses + hoping it will encourage some other momma to get moving in the process.
You see, Mark and I gave up our gym memberships a while ago. We are big on our budget – both financial and time – and realized there were just so many barriers to getting to the gym that we wanted to keep it simple. A gym membership is actually a luxury, not a necessity. There are many healthy, fit people who never step foot in a gym – even those who have big fitness goals or lift very heavy things. We value health and fitness in our house and are trying to lead by example for our children, so we had to come up with an alternative solution. We discussed and decided since we have the space, we could cut ourselves off of that monthly membership fee. While a home gym may sound flashy and expensive, I assure you ours is nothing of those two descriptions. It’s simple, basic, effective and gets the job done.
You don’t work out you say? You would never give up your gym membership?
Just stick with me…
The perks of at home workouts: Saves money. Saves time traveling to and from the facility. Gives you time back to spend with your family or work or catch up at home or socialize (you name it). Available to you at all hours. Can be moved outside if the weather cooperates.
I understand, though, there is a different sense of dedication that comes with home workouts. Can you turn off the television or get your bum off the couch or keep yourself going after you put your kids to bed to lace up, go down in your cold, unfinished basement and get to work? Sounds daunting, and is exactly the challenge I face. I promise you though, once you get going, it’s just the same as getting yourself out the door and to the gym. With the multitude of resources on YouTube and Pinterest these days, you’ll never run out of fitness ideas either.
I was pro get-rid-of-the-gym-membership when this first came to our minds. I had a little girl at home and was working full time and wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. I didn’t have the time to waste driving to the gym and didn’t want to miss out on time with her by putting her in the childcare during our precious evening hours together or sacred weekends. Based on all other life demands, it wasn’t likely for me to get to the gym until late at night, which was also the time I wanted to spend with my husband or really just crawl into bed. So, we cut back. We worked out at home. It was convenient and let us appreciate all of the perks I mentioned above. Honestly, it hasn’t always been easy, because now that we have two kids who are no longer babies, our lives are even more full + fitting a workout in isn’t always convenient, but we make it work. Mark and I are encouraging each other to stay healthy and reach our workout goals. We’ve even started a paper calendar posted in our home gym where we each write down what we do for accountability purposes. It’s a nice visual and great way for me to check in to make sure I’m hitting my current 4-5x a week goal. Plus, it makes us get a little competitive sometimes.
Before I disclose my must haves, I want to mention a resource we utilized in our equipment purchasing process that I highly recommend looking into: We were able to utilize health insurance benefits from Mark’s employer that typically are used to fund a gym membership to instead get reimbursed for fitness equipment. We actually spent very little of our own money, other than our treadmill, to set up our room. Have you looked into your insurance benefits? It’s a quick and simple ask!
It’s been well over a year now since we let go of that monthly membership and payment, and I am happy to report that I am still loving our equipment choices as much as the day they were first delivered. Of course there is always room to expand and add more, and this is not a comprehensive list of all the equipment we own, but a list of my 10 At Home Gym Must-Haves (affiliate links) to get you started.
1. Stability Ball
Can be used for everything from abs to squats.
2. Jump Rope
Mega cardio without the treadmill.
3. BOSU Balance Trainer
One of my favorite pieces of equipment. Add intensity to lower body workouts or flip it over to use it for core and/or arms.
4. Resistance Bands
Great space saver and offers as much resistance as dumbbells. We have a set that can be combined with clip-in handles to provide greater weight options.
5. TRX Suspension Training Kit
These classes can be expensive. Getting yourself an at-home kit will cut down on expenses over time and offers a huge variety of workouts. I did have a trainer at one point who gave me a lot of TRX workouts to switch between. Try a class once or even look online for some assistance.
6. Treadmill
Goes without saying. I just can’t always walk/run on snow and ice. If budget is an issue for this item, don’t be afraid to get resourceful. We did find a commercial grade treadmill on Craigslist.
7. Fuel Performance Adjustable Plyometrics Box
Likely my second favorite piece. Box jumps, step ups, you name it. This piece is compact and very sturdy.
8. Dragonfly TPE Lite Mat
Whether you are doing ab exercises or floor activity, a sturdy mat is a necessity for comfort.
9. Foam Roller
Push yourself and your muscles will need it.
10. Wireless Bluetooth Speaker
Hey, you’re at home and don’t have to wear headphones.
My challenge to you: purchase at least ONE item from this list and use it every day for two weeks. You will be well on your way to starting a new habit (loved re-visiting this post!) and maybe even expanding your fitness routine in the process. Can you only give it 20 minutes a day? That is okay – let go of the mentality that it has to be all or nothing. Little strides add up to big things, so if we are going to make 2017 the best year yet, we all have to start somewhere.
Do me a favor, let me know what piece you chose!
Lisa! Great post lady!
I used to have a home gym at my vineyard home. Now that I’m in Chicago the space makes it difficult! But I still have my rollers, bands, weights and used to have most of the items on your great list above! I love your last sentence about not feeling like you have to dive into your workouts with the mentality of “all or nothing”. That is so defeating, right? Instead, ask “how can I be good to myself today and show self care?” Training is a big part of my life and with steady commitment, it’s life changing on many levels!
Enjoy the day!
xo~ D