I can’t even begin to describe how excited I am that a little idea that sparked in my mind before Rush was born is actually coming into fruition! Over the last several months, I’ve really been wanting to connect more with like-minded women. Like take this little space of mine on the internet and turn it into real life connections.
I try my best to let my light shine, share the good + not so great and provide encouragement to others through blogging and instagramming. And you know what? There’s now a community of women engaged here and that leaves me in awe. We are all a part of this community, invested in one another, wanting to support and uplift and I’ve had a tugging at my heart to share more with all of you + do more to make connections happen.
One way I wanted to connect + share + uplift more women was through posting Amazing Advice from Amazing Women Pursuing Their Passions. I asked my friend Lindsay Atkinson to participate because she completed her yoga teacher training course last year + I admired her drive to pursue something she was so passionate about (rather than an MBA that she also considered but found to not be as good of a fit as yoga!) while working a full time 9-5 and fulfilling all of her wife, mama, friend and family duties. In the process of collecting responses for the blog post, Lindsay and I talked a more about this notion of connecting with like-minded women and it dawned on me that she would be the perfect partner for that spark in my mind! I asked if she wanted to collaborate on a yoga event, she said yes and the rest is history. We’ve had some incredibly fun coffee dates with Mr. Rush man planning this all for you and really CANNOT wait to see who can join us.
Note: I promise, if you aren’t local, I’m going to figure out something, someday, for more of us to connect further. Nurturing relationships and supporting one another is at the core of my being, so I will certainly brainstorm out a way to do so.
Without further ado, YOU ARE INVITED:
Description: We recognize how full our lives can be as women who are working, or pursuing our passions + goals, or striving for self improvement, or raising children. So, we have designed this event for women who want to make themselves better, not busier. We want women to join us for dedicated time to work on themselves and converse with others who want to do the same.
We want to encourage women to:
- Say YES to investing in themselves
- Say YES to consistent self care
- Say YES to things that make us strong and connected
- Say YES to becoming mindful of our boundaries
- Say YES to realizing growth comes when we push our limits
Agenda: Lindsay and I will welcome you with big smiles and words of encouragement. We will all join together in a yoga class, have a short journal time for reflection + goal setting and conclude with a little coffee + chocolate reception so we may CONNECT with one another.
- An hour and a half to work on your mind and body
- Written intentions of how you’ll say YES to yourself
- Time to connect with like-minded women
We would most certainly love to have you join. Invite a friend, and please register here!
Do not hesitate to reach out to me directly with any questions: inwildhearts@gmail.com.
In love and light,
Lisa & Lindsay
I love this SO much!!! However, I am in PA sooo not so local 😉 I can’t wait to hear how it goes though and look forward to connecting with you in the future, somehow! Congratulations on organizing such a cool, and I’m sure much-needed, event for so many women! Keep rockin’ it, Mama 🙂
Thanks Megan! I wish you were closer to come, but for sure will figure out an option for the future. XO
This sounds like so much fun! I’d love to connect with local, likeminded moms 🙂
You need to come! ???