It’s hard to believe it’s been over two months since I left my job. I was reminded of the time that has passed after my post went live on the Milwaukee Moms Blog a couple weeks ago. Reading it all over again brought the question fresh to my mind that so many people were asking me, “Where are you going to work?” I’ve been thinking of what I should write here ever since.
I have to say, the last two months have been more full than I could have ever anticipated. From doctor appointments and sick children to errands, play dates, bible studies and mom groups, I have a hard time even remembering how I used to fit in the household basics. We’ve had good days and bad days and days that would just. never. end. but, the truth in it all is that I have never once looked back on my decision. I truly know how blessed I am to have the ability to be available to my family and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
I’ve kind of lost my way in the blogging world during this transition period, though. You see, striking any sort of work life balance when you spend a majority of your time with your children, desire to spend quality time with your husband and also have some resemblance of a life outside of all that, doesn’t leave much margin to work with.
Striking some sense of balance is important though. Mark and I have been talking about setting goals and how we want to encourage each other to work harder at the things that are meaningful to us. He also reminded me of how I’ve set my standards pretty high; that I am doing a lot right now. {He’s so good to me.} And he’s right. I’ve been passionately working on a variety of freelance projects and am a proud contributor to the Milwaukee Moms Blog. If you’re local, take a look at the MKE Elevate initiative to elevate the health of the Milwaukee community. I’m honored to be working on the movement. And, if you’re a nursing or pumping mother, take a look at the pumpspotting blog and download the app. The mission and vision is something I wholeheartedly support as a mama myself and I am a proud pumpspotting team member.
As a result of a huge leap of faith, my work looks a quite a bit different these days. But my life, it’s oh-so-wonderful. If I can offer any piece of advice from this major transition, it is that sometimes taking risks and having faith is the best thing you could ever do for yourself.
Moving forward I want to share more here — share about my goals and our life, because after all, if we don’t share life with one another, we will all miss out.