Material things aren’t the secret to joy, that’s for sure. In fact, I think we hold on to things too tightly and it takes up space in our lives in complex ways. While I do like things and have many of them, I don’t believe in any power that things have. I believe in life and love and experiences and quality time and conversation. Keeping a house full of stuff that sits in my basement (in boxes) or having a closet full of clothes that I never wear, those things are not doing me any good. They aren’t bringing any extra good to my life – they are simply extra. I really share a lot of my life and heart over on Instagram, so if you follow me there, you have already learned I’m on a major closet purge. But that’s not all – it is time for spring cleaning after all.
Because of that, I’ve put together my list of spring cleaning tips for the wannabe minimalist. When I say wannabe, I mean the person who wants to live simply, eliminate some clutter, rid herself of material belongings that don’t matter and focus on the things that really do matter. I think that may be me + I think it might be you too. This list isn’t that deep or extensive, but I promise, it’s a good place to start.
Spring Cleaning Tips for the Wannabe Minimalist – Let’s jump right in.
- Your closet. It’s almost Spring. Get rid of whatever clothing you did not wear this winter. Seriously.
- Sort through your sock and underwear drawer. Anything unmatched, with holes or older than you want to admit, clear it out.
- Shoes. You don’t need that many. Yes I’m talking to you (and me). Pick your basics, essentials and give yourself a pair (or two) of trendy, in season soles.
- Jewelry. I promise you own way more than you ever wear. Throw away broken pieces, gift or donate the rest that doesn’t get used.
- Sort through toys and get rid of extra pieces, or the toys that are missing pieces. Bonus if you have the will power and desire only save the ones that stimulate interaction, imagination and/or learning.
- Makeup drawer: throw away anything old. It’s not good for you anyway!
- Linen closet: same thing. You have old bottles of everything bathroom related? Get rid of them.
- Décor sitting in your basement. Sort it down to one bin. Instead of stashing things away, be resourceful when decorating your home or mantle seasonally.
- Clean out your garage. You would be amazed at how much trash just gets stored away after the winter months.
- Have stacks of DVD’s and CD’s laying around? Digitalize and donate them.
- Sort through your mail. Throw away junk mail, file papers appropriately, create an organization system to your papers.
- Review your kitchen gadgets and really eliminate the pieces you don’t use. Maybe you don’t need as many pots and pans. Maybe you have three crockpots. Maybe you have a food processor that you’ve never even taken out of the box.
- Clean out the utensil drawer. All of those odds and ends forks and spoons that you’ve acquired over time do not need to stay.
- Cleaning supplies. Do you have an endless supply of rags and bottles of solutions (toxic or non-toxic ? ) that are practically empty? No need. Condense what is still good and eliminate the bottles. Only buy what you need – or better yet, get some environmentally friendly cleaning supplies to save on restock and space, too. I like Norwex products!
- Medicine cabinet. Dispose of all old medicines appropriately. Expired or old prescriptions + medications should not be taking up space in your house.
- Clean out your pantry. What old food do you have taking up space or stale leftovers in a ziplock bag that you just didn’t want to waste? {Only me? Ugh, I despise wasting food.} Do you have canned or non-perishable items you could drop off at the food pantry?
- Clean out your freezer. Or at least prioritize using your frozen leftovers before they go bad. Items with freezer burn or those you have let sit far too long should be disposed of.
- The art cabinet. Dispose of hardened play doh, crunchy paints, crumpled paper and markers with no caps.
- Towels. All of them – kitchen, bathroom, hand towels, wash cloths. Use the same principles as your sock and underwear drawer. Yes, you can save a few for rags.
- Your children’s clothes. This is a big one. I understand some of us are saving items for hand me downs, but the rest should still be sorted through. Are there items that are stained or ripped or unsalvageable for other reasons? Items that are too worn for your liking, but could still be donated? Mismatched socks that can be tossed? Go through their closets and drawers with the intention of sorting for the shift in season.
I’d love to hear about your minimalist journey, if you have one. Or, if this has you thinking about starting, let me know too! Happy Spring everyone ?
This is excellent! Thanks for the motivation. My closet is calling me. I don’t know how it got so out of control! 🙂
Kate! I’m so glad it’s inspired you to do a little spring cleaning. And oh the closet… it’s SO easy for that one to get out of control. You don’t know how many conversations about closets and clothes I’ve had today ☺️
I love this! Thank you for the motivation!! My utensil drawer and art canibet are calling my name!
YES! It will feel SO good when it’s done! Good luck 🙂
I was just researching other ways to become minimalist and came across this post of yours. Printing it and DOING it! (I know it’s only January, but I’m SO over all the crap in my house…plus we are adding baby #2 in May and I’ll be too preggo and too tired to do it then, so why not now? 😀 )
Thanks for the inspiration!
Whoops! That was supposed to say baby #3! #babybrain for real! Hahaha =P
Oh my gosh, talk about baby brain, or mom brain, or whatever you want to call it. I have a major case of it! I’m so glad you stumbled across this pin because I’m just about to reshare the post. I think it’s never too early to get a jump start on this cleaning. I FEEL YOU about all of the STUFF. Clean on, mama, clean on. XO