First, a quick update on Rush: He had a check up last week and he weighed 7 lbs 14 oz and was 20.5 in long. This means he has gained OVER A POUND and grew OVER AN INCH, all in just a few weeks of life. No wonder I feel like I’m constantly breastfeeding! He’s a growing babe! He is incredibly chill if he’s fed and/or being held. He looks at us with the widest eyes and is such a trooper with his sisters always wanting to take care of him. I think one of the cutest things about him is that he looooves getting his hair washed. Seriously. We just love him so, so much and can’t even remember a time when he wasn’t perfectly fit into our family. PS – How COZY does Rush look? ? So many thanks to Jenna LeRoy Phototography for capturing some sweet baby moments for us!
Okay, back to the post here…
I’m a third time mama. I don’t want a house full of extra things “just because”. I don’t like to spend money in excess, am all about efficiency and appreciate great recommendations + products, so I’ve come up with a relatively narrow list of what we’re using. Of course there are other things here and there – and um, a baby swing we have in our basement that is not being used and we should totally gift or donate – but generally, less is more in our house. Also, I don’t like clutter, so keeping items to a minimum is ??.
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How We Keep Our Baby Cozy – besides a million snuggles, of course!
At Home:
DockATot: This! This was absolutely on my Must Have List for Baby No. 3 and I’m so, so happy it was. We have the DockATot Grand and Rush sleeps so soundly in it. He was pretty tiny when we first laid him down, but now that he is filling out, he’s filling the space out too and it seems to be even cozier. I would say this is one of our favorite and most used baby products and it’s a shame we didn’t have it earlier. Note to those new to the DockATot – I would recommend purchasing an extra cover. We’ve had some diaper leaks that required washing and it would be really nice to have a spare in those circumstances.
The Ollie World Smart Swaddle: I really like this swaddle for the fabric and the ability to adjust its size so easily. It’s pretty much an all in one for babies of all ages and sizes, so you can get it really snug around the shoulders + it keeps Rush very warm. He is one of those babies that prefers being swaddled, so this Ollie World Smart Swaddle makes that very easy.
Rock N Play: During the day, if we aren’t holding Rush or playing with him or giving him tummy time, we usually set him in the Rock N Play. I far prefer this option to the traditional bouncy seat that is lower to the ground. We have a medium sized dog and two other little girls who are busy, busy throughout the house, so this height off the ground is appreciated. In addition, it’s light weight (and folds up easily) so we can easily move this throughout the house as we need to. New moms – definitely add this to your registry!
Blankets: I’m a baby blanket hoarder. Yes, despite my less is more tendencies. I just love finding beautiful ones and love wrapping our babes to keep them warm. Besides handmade blankets that have been gifted to us, here are a few of my favorite right now:
- Aden & Anais swaddles (always have been a fave!)
- Burts Bees Velour Balnket
- Max and Moose cotton blanket (so, so, so soft!)
Lorena Canals Rug: Ya’ll with two little mamas around who want to help with every single diaper change, I’ve learned it’s just a tiny bit easier to do them on the ground. If not, I have a stool and child on either side of me at the changing station and it doesn’t allow for a lot of room to actually change the diaper. I think it’s safer for us all + gives both girls better ability to help if I just move to the floor. So, we often change diapers in Rush’s nursery and I love, love, love this cozy Lorena Canals rug that we have. Not only is it some extra cushion for my mama body, but it’s also MACHINE WASHABLE, which makes it far less daunting if we have a diaper mishap down there.
Out and About:
BundleMe Car Seat Cover: Winter in Wisconsin is upon us, so keeping our babe cozy + warm when we’re on the go is of the utmost importance. I love this JJ Cole BundleMe that can zip right up and snuggle that baby inside while going from house to car to store to wherever you may need to go. Also, I always have my MilkSnob cover on top of the car seat, even over the BundleMe. I keep it on, and move the fleece part down, if we are in the store (etc.) because it’s breatheable, but I feel like it might be a barrier for germs. (Wishful thinking?)
Fleece Bunting: I love baby wearing walks. If the weather is mild, you better believe I’m going to bundle both of us up and get out of the house for a little fresh air and exercise. I dress Rush in his everyday wear and then put him in this fleece one piece zip up to keep cozy warm. It’s perfect.
Hats: So much body heat is lost through the head + even little tiny ones need to be covered. In addition to the fleece one piece, I also always put a hat on Rush when we leave the house. Our current favorite is a handmade option from Mercy Threads on Etsy. It is absolutely adorable and has been my favorite thus far!
Binxy Baby: Shopping has never been cozier with any of my kids. This item was also on my Must Have List for Baby No. 3 and again, I’m so glad it was. It’s really easy to attach to the cart and folds up nicely to bring with in a diaper bag or purse. Rush can comfortably lay in the Binxy Baby shopping cart hammock and I have the ability to pack the cart even more full. It’s a win-win.
Baby K’tan: I’ve shared a lot about this baby carrier on Instagram after so many questions from seeing me wear Rush while on our walks. I’m a connesiour of baby carriers, but this one is so comfortable + supportive + easy to use that I would recommend it to everyone. It’s perfect for a baby that is so tiny to keep him snug against mama and when they get a little bigger and sturdier, you can also face them outward.
LILLEBaby Ring Sling: Finally! I was able to try a ring sling and I have to say, I LOVE IT. I didn’t use a sling with either of the girls, but have always wanted to try. It’s just such an intimate hold and carry, and likely once I become a little more comfortable and well versed it it’s use, this will compete with my number one spot + the K’tan. The LILLEBaby Sling fabric is great. It feels durable but doesn’t feel so starchy that I have to wear it in too much to make it easier to use + tighten. I even tried this sling with Sylvie and she was like a toddler Koala bear attached to me, not wanting to get out. I highly recommend trying this sling for a cozy hold!
And now, here we are, on to month two with our handsome little man. I’ll be sure to keep our best recommendations coming and to share all the baby goodness with you, too!
Awesome post!
You have shared very useful baby items which are very important for parents to have in the first month of a baby. Thanks for sharing the information.