Happy New Year! It’s a few days late, I know, but I’ve been thoroughly dedicated to enjoying a week long staycation with my family. It was perfect!
I’ve heard and read so many people stating they dislike New Year’s Resolutions lately and I have to say, I think it is more about perspective than anything. The new year, or January 1 in particular, doesn’t hold any magical powers, but it does naturally provide a time to reflect on an entire year that has passed and set an intention for the year to come. And I think that’s a good thing.
I assume resolutions that easily fade out are what give the whole concept a bad rap. But really, a resolution isn’t some thing, some task or some promise you make to yourself that you can easily burn out on. It is a spark that should light a fire inside of you and drive you for the days, weeks, months and year to come. This year I am making a big resolution. Inspired by former lawyer turned street athlete and best selling author, Robin Arzon {who has an amazing vigor and passion for life and purpose} I resolve to create a Culture of Courage inside me and around me.
I believe we should all tell a story, that we should ask for what we are worth, that every little thing amounts to a whole lot and that the other side of vulnerability is strength. Living and inspiring this will add up to creating that culture of courage.
Five brave ways I intend to fulfill my resolution:
I will stop saying yes to things that don’t matter to me.
Time is so precious. I am going to quit filling it by saying yes to activities, commitments, people and other time fillers that don’t actually matter to me. I believe in having time and space in order to live well and by being a “yes person”, I will not be able to live to my fullest wellness.
I will break up with uninspiring habits.
I want to stop reading, watching, listening to rubbish and instead, surround myself with a world of inspiration.
I will invest in rest.
Sleep. Quiet. Peace. Restoration. I need it all.
I will stick with the people who draw out the flame in me and love them hard.
There are certain people in anyone’s life who just truly make it better. Those people are the ones who see magic inside you and bring it out further. I will maximize these people in my life and love them deeply.
I will focus on me, myself and I.
It’s not always the easiest to put yourself ahead of others, ahead of a to-do list or ahead of anything for that matter. I find this particularly truer than ever in motherhood. But, if I want to be my happiest, healthiest self, I need to focus on that very self, too.
I’m looking forward to sharing my journey along the way – I have 365 brave days ahead. (technically a few less ;). I hope you’ll join me!
Mom says
Well stated Lisa. I look forward to watching you blossom in 2017